Bags & Packs
Duty Bags, Backpacks and tactical bags are essential to help police and law enforcement professionals get ready for their shift, the weekend or workout. Curtis Blue Line has selected the best brands with a variety or storage options to hold all your gear and help organize it for duty ready quick response. Quality is easy to see with brands like 5.11 Tactical, Vertx and First Tactical among others.
Backpacks are a great way to carry a lot of gear while still keeping your hands available. For go bags, many people are choosing to load out a tactical backpack with webbing. This gives you a lot of flexibility for how to build out your go bag, including add-on pouches for additional gear. 5.11 Tactical offers a great selection of backpacks including the most popular Rush Backpack series. The 5.11 Tactical Rush12, 5.11 Tactical Rush24 and 5.11 Tactical Rush72 bags are proven bags that stand up to any mission. A less conspicuous backpack may be what you are looking for. An Everyday Carry Bag is a great option for off-duty officer carry as well as travel. Another great travel backpack option is the Vertx Gamut Backpack. The Vertx Gamut Backpack is available in multiple colors and is the perfect everyday carry backpack.
Gear Bags
Law Enforcement professionals have a ton of gear and finding the best gear bag can be difficult. Fortunately, Curtis Blue Line offers some of the best gear bag options. If you are loading out for a specific mission, there are a couple of great mission specific bags designed to carry riot and SWAT gear. SWAT bags are available from reliable brands. 5.11 Tactical bags are extremely popular and proven in the field. You may also be interested in looking at the Hatch gear bags that are mission specific, from the Hatch Munitions Bag to the Hatch Giant SWAT Bag.
Other Bags
Other tactical bags include Range Bags, Patrol Bags and Messenger Bags. The perfect range bag will offer tons of magazine storage, removable ammo and brass storage and separate, padded storage for multiple pistols. Keep your range bag locked and loaded and grab and go when you are heading out to the range.
Patrol Bags make patrolling a bit easier. The best patrol bag will offer organization and easy access to necessities. A good patrol bag will keep working for many years, making it a great investment for all law enforcement officials.