Co-Op Contracts

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Contract #PS20275

National Purchasing Partners-Gov (NPPGov) is a national cooperative procurement organization offering publicly solicited contracts to government entities nationwide.


Cutis Blue Line's Contract #PS20275 with the NPPGov contains a cooperative purchasing clause.

  1. This contract was publicly solicited and awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP) and proposal evaluation process coordinated by NPPGov.
  2. NPPGov prepared the RFPs and incorporated the required language that would allow law enforcement agencies across the nation to access (piggyback) the resulting contract.The contract offers an extensive portfolio of products and services at discounted prices, representing the most popular equipment and services in demand by law enforcement.
Naspo ValuePoint Logo


NASPO ValuePoint is the cooperative contracting arm of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), a non-profit organization comprised of the Chief Procurement Officials of all fifty states to promote public procurement throughout the country.


Curtis Blue Line's contract includes Safariland Armor and Carriers for every state except California. It is an armor specific contract.

Body armor
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Contract #090122-LNC

All state and local governments or other public agencies are authorized to buy from our Sourcewell Contracts.

For more information on how to utilize our Co-op Contracts please email